Friday, May 8, 2009

Peru - The Great Adventure

It all started at Lucky Day in Piedmont Park when i ran into Hutto and he told me about his 4 month adventure to the southern hemisphere. That got my mind racing. I wish to this day I spent time traveling after graduation. What better time to do so? I was immediately jealous and envious of his plans. For a moment I almost wished I had been jobless and was able to travel the world. Be a roamer and live a nomad's life, traveling and meeting people from all likes of the world. A few weeks went by and I pondered what it would be like to wonder the earth with no plan, no agenda, no schedule, no deadlines. I believe it was a Monday night, coming home late from work, hungry and no food in the fridge I decided to head to McDonald's. A rare occasion since college, I ordered up a double cheese and fries. Then my phone rang. Greg Hurme on the other end of the line asking if I wanted to take Great Adventure to the southern hemisphere to spend some time with our wondering friend. My next words were of no surprise. "Hell Yes! When and where are we going?"

I spent the next month trying to convince myself that this trip was not necessary, given the fact that every human in the USA was scared the economy was crumbling beneath them and every ones savings was going to fall into a firey abyss. But that little red devil sitting on my right shoulder was easing my conscience. "Once in a life time trip", "When are you going to get the chance to go to Peru again", "Your young and only live once", "Just spend this coming summer taking it easy and saving money"...... Really? Spend the summer taking it easy? I haven't taken a summer easy in the past 12 years, what makes me think i am going to take this one easy. But none the less, i listened to the little bastard and committed to the trip. As he said, you only live once, right? What better time to get out and explore this great green earth then now.

After a month of planning, fighting with bosses to get 2 weeks off work, and dealing with Spanish speaking Peruvian trekking guides, i finally got the trip planned out. Vacation starts Friday, April 24th where i head to Charlotte, NC for the Dave Matthews concert with my loving sister. Waking up the next day at 7am after a blistering show makes for a not so fun 3.5 hour car ride home. Throw a 6 hour 5pm flight to Peru and a 7 hour layover in the Peru airport and it makes for a long ass 24 hours.....

1 comment:

  1. No kidding. I felt sorry for you after DMB. lol. All worth it though. :)
